Welcome to ÑÇÖÞporn: a unique adventure in learning, where students develop their qualities of mind, body and soul, ready to join the wider world as global thought leaders.
Specialists in boys' education
We are an acknowledged authority on educating boys, having done so continuously for over 190 years.
Our immersive approach helps boys develop into young men of good character and integrity through exploring, learning, playing, competing, creating, performing and connecting.
Our Distinctive difference
We aspire to develop global thought leaders: strengthening boys’ academic capability, developing good character and building their desire for a life of service.
Academic Excellence
ÑÇÖÞporn has a long and respected record of academic excellence. In striving for excellence, we guide our boys to think as much about who they want to be, and how they can contribute to the betterment of humanity.
Character Development
King’s boys are widely respected for their good character and integrity, qualities that are framed by our values. We help boys develop into respectable young men, ready to face the challenges of the wider world as global thought leaders.
Christian Community
We want every boy to have an outstanding impact in society through a life of service, prepared to step out and make a significant impact for the good of the global society, using their ability to influence, inspire and motivate.